The fastest way to get accurate feedback from your users
The leading product teams are already using Blitzllama
motilal oswal
Average response rates
4 million+
Responses collected & analyzed
50 million
Daily API calls handled
Make higher quality strategy decisions with accessible and accurate user feedback data

Accurate & highly contextual feedback

Track NPS or CSAT more accurately by asking feedback during product usage instead of relying on users to recollect their experience later.

Feedback is accessible to all teams

AI-based feedback analytics and dashboards makes feedback accessible to all teams, so that they are focused on continuously solving customer problems.

Save time and valuable tech resources

Blitzllama requires one-time setup effort of ~1 hour. This enables your engineering team to focus on core product and strategic initiatives.

"Blitzllama helps us through the feature development cycle, from early interest to know which part of the feature is most anticipated (drives into our marketing communication) to feedback on a feature to further iteration and enhancement."
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Vivek Kumar
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Get actionable feedback in real time and hit your product and customer objectives faster

Optimize core flows

Optimize your product by continuously identifying the right product gaps and opportunities

Increase product adoption

Understand why users are taking or not taking certain actions, and your complement analytical tools

Quick insights

AI-based summarisation and analytics capabilities enables you to generate insights from feedback data much faster.

Build with your users

Collect feature requests, share your roadmap and product updates with your users from a single dashboard

Hit product objectives more often

Validate product assumptions and feature ideas with users to confidently build your features

Protect user experience

UX guardrails and UX customization protects your users’ experience much better than other survey tools.

"Working with Blitzllama was a pure breeze from beginning to end. The product fulfilled all the things that we were looking to achieve and the things that needed changes/improvements, the Blitzllama team built them at supersonic speeds. The service from both the business team and tech team is phenomenal.Thanks to Blitzllama, we have successfully gathered a lot of product insights into our customer preferences, pain points, and expectations helping us to make more data-driven decisions"
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Shikha Dhanuka
Principal Product Manager
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Get highly contextual quantitative feedback fast
  • Launch no-code targeted in-product surveys or concept tests within minutes.
  • GPT3 based AI saves you hours by summarizing all textual feedback data into actionable insights
  • Guardrails like statistical confidence and user intent indicators help you make decisions on the right data
  • Run in-product surveys, concept and usability tests from a single platform
"Blitzllama’s in-app survey solution has been nothing short of phenomenal. With their strategically timed surveys, we’ve seen a surge in user participation, providing a more comprehensive understanding of our user base and enabling informed decisions rapidly.

They go above and beyond to accommodate our feature requests, making the entire experience incredibly personalised. This tool has elevated our UXR efforts to a higher bar. We wholeheartedly recommend Blitzllama to any organisation seeking to unlock the full potential of their user feedback loop."
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Udita Chaturvedi
Senior UX Researcher
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